Backup copies let you safeguard your files (documents, photos, video,
music, etc.) in the event of accidental loss. This
feature offers you a simple way of making backup copies of your documents
and files.
By default, backup copies are stored in a folder on your hard disk for
a certain period of time, after which, the program will prompt you to
save him to CD or DVD. Nevertheless, it is advisable to make backup copies
on another hard disk (if your computer has more than one hard disk), or
on an external USB device. This means you won't lose your files if your
hard disk is damaged.
The backup copies settings let you specify type of file that you want to safeguard (photos, music, etc.) and lets you specify specific folders or files through a simple wizard.
You can schedule backup copies for the time you prefer.
You can also make backup copies of your documents on secure Internet servers. For more information about this feature, click Backup online in the main program window.